Młodzież Wszechpolska wydała oświadczenie ws. kryzysu w relacjach polsko-izraelskich.

Wszechpolacy oświadczają: “‘Elity’ III RP, tak postkomunistyczne jak i postsolidarnościowe, są od lat uwikłane w wasalne relacje wobec środowisk żydowskich. Wynika to ze wspólnych geszeftów, niekiedy ze wspólnego pochodzenia, ale nade wszystko z głębokich kompleksów i ojkofobii. Rytualnie powtarzana i narzucana skrucha z powodu cudzych grzechów sprawiła, że dla salonu III RP niemożliwe stało się obiektywne spojrzenie na naród żydowski. Tyczy się to w podobnym stopniu filosemitów z lewicy jak i prawicy. Tylko głos sprzeciwu młodego pokolenia, nieskrępowanego polityczną poprawnością i zaszczepionego na pedagogikę wstydu, może wybudzić naród z letargu i ukazać mu prawdziwe oblicze stosunków polsko-żydowskich”

Autorzy oświadczenia wskazują, że “Przedstawianie nas jako współwinnych niemieckim zbrodniom, to plucie w twarz naszym dziadom i pradziadom”.

Zaznaczono potrzebę wprowadzenia do dyskusji o historii informacji “o bramach powitalnych stawianych najeźdźcom przez żydowskich mieszkańców Kresów Wschodnich, o żydowskich denuncjatorach wydających Sowietom swoich polskich sąsiadów, o żydowskiej nadreprezentacji wśród ubeckich katów. Żydokomuna to nie wytwór antysemityzmu, to historyczne zjawisko”.

Wszechpolacy nie widzą również potrzeby nazywania Izraela “strategicznym sojusznikiem Polski”. Interesy Izraela i Polski są sprzeczne  – napisano w oświadczeniu. Odmienna narracja historyczna oraz roszczenia majątkowe “sytuuje nas po przeciwnych stronach geopolitycznej barykady”.

Skrytykowano również posługiwanie się pojęciem “cywilizacji judeochrześcijańskiej”, jako, że “Żydzi zawsze stanowili wyraźnie odrębną cywilizację, opartą o inne wzorce religijne i kulturowe. Sugerowanie rzekomej bliskości to fałsz budujący iluzję”.

Wobec ataków “piątej kolumny w postaci mediów i stronnictw” i presji zagranicznej, młodzi narodowcy oczekują stanowczej postawy instytucji państwa. “Polskie państwo musi skutecznie działać we wszelkich takich przypadkach. Wolność słowa ma swoje granice – wyznacza je prawda i interes publiczny” – skonkludowano.

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  1. donald
    donald :

    Jerusalem Post Opinion

    Zamieszczam tutaj swoj post ktory zamiescilem pod artykulem na Jerusalem Post piatego lutego 2018

    The question Polish are asking themselves or Polish should ask themselves is “Should we build relations with Israel based on Israel ultimate disrespect to us”
    There were only Ethnic Polish killed in Auschwitz starting 1940, Polish citizens of Jewish origin and other Jews were brought to Birkenau starting end of 1941 or begining of 1942. Currently Christian masses are not allowed in Aushwitz. Is it right? When in Auschwitz mostly Roman Catholic were murdured…
    Wiktor Pilecki was Ethnic Polish who on Purpose went to Auschwitz,was organizing resistance there and got out of Auschwitz to provide testimonies, alarm the allies and asked allies for help. His exhibition is constantly closed….Israel could show more respect to itself by making Mr Pilecki exhibition open. He was killed during stalin era when most of secret police higher rank officers were Polish of Jewish Origin. Nobody wants to revise anything from Polish side-I hope Poland will decided that the relations can not be based on the lies of the kind Mr Nair Lapid produced.Simply Israel reaction showed that relations between Poland and Israel must be based on historical truth and research. I am waiting for Israeli Ambasadeur to Poland to appeal to Polish government to start Jedwabne exhumation to discover historical truth and lay the remains of Polish citizens of Jewish origin in proper burial places.Mr Nair Lapid portrayed currently by some as some kind of an person who does not know what he is telling was a finance minister….c’mon…Israeli finance minister must be quiet intelligent and bright…
    Mr Nair Lapid told to the whole world that his grandmother was killed by Polish and Germans i Poland. We should agree that he was lying and slandering everybody in Poland separately, as a nation and as a state. if his grandmother was killed in Birkenau Polish resistance alarming West to bomb railway lines and centres or Witold Pilecki were the only ones there trying to save her.
    Israel reaction, 61 members of Knesset support ( even if it was indirect) given to Mr Nair Lapid and many other actions in are proving to more and more people in Poland that the relations to exist nd our history or should we build our relations based on truth”. The same question will be decided by Israel too and in the months to come we will see which way was decided.

  2. donald
    donald :

    Ponizej zamieszczam post innego Polaka pod tym samym artykulem zamieszczonym w Jerusalem Post piatego Lutego 2018 roku.

    American Jews reporting claims against Poland today are the descendants of those who have never been involved in mass protests that would force the US authorities to take action to stop the Holocaust. According to the study by Rafael Medoff titled “The day the rabbis marched”, the only demonstration in the entire Holocaust period aimed at saving the Holocaust victims took place in Washington on October 6, 1943. Over 400 US rabbis who came to ask the US government to rescue the murdered Jews took part in it. . They passed the petition to President Roosevelt, in which they wrote: “children, infants, elderly men and women cry to us” help! “. Millions have already been killed, doomed to sword and fire, and tens of thousands died of starvation. ” However, Roosevelt did not even accept the rabbis’ delegation. They received the answer that the president is “unavailable due to the busy schedule of other activities”. As the historian established, it was a lie. Roosevelt did not have any classes that day. The meeting did not take place because the President had visited him: Samuel Rosenman (1896 – 1973) – Roosevelt adviser and author of his speeches, and influential member of the American Jewish Committee as well as Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise (1874 – 1949) – Zionist leader in the USA. Wise had previously received information about the Holocaust from Jan Karski, but this did not affect his attitude.What’s more – the same Wise in 1941 decided to impose a total embargo on all help sent to occupied Poland by American Jews. He showed a special activity in stopping sending packages to the ghettos. I have a question for you: are the facts quoted above consistent with the historical truth, or is it only anti-Semitic propaganda? If this is not the case, I would like to receive confirmation from you. If it is true, I would like to ask if Israel has ever publicized the above-mentioned facts? Have there been any official accusations of complicity of part of the American Jewish elite in the Holocaust, formulated with a sound system corresponding to the publicity with which an unjustified campaign against Poland is currently being conducted?

  3. donald
    donald :

    Jeszcze jeden post Polaka pod tym artykulem.

    The government of Slovakia reached an agreement with Germans killing almost 90,000 Jews The Romanian government issued one thousand decree to Germans 264 900 Jews The Government of France caught and issued 76,000 Jews The Bulgarian government sent 11,000 Jews from Thrace and MaceWhy do not the Jews care and finance their cemeteries as we care for our borders. Who carries over the cemetery in Auschwitz, Majdanek and other cemeteries, where the truth about the murder of Poles and other nationalities is openly hidden.Why do not the Jews care and finance their cemeteries as we care for our borders. Who carries over the cemetery in Auschwitz, Majdanek and other cemeteries, where the truth about the murder of Poles and other nationalities is openly hidden.

  4. donald
    donald :

    Obecnie pod tym artykulem jest okolo 20 komentarzy a informacje napisane tam prze ze mnie i dwoch innych Polakow sa zamieszczone w 6 komentarzach. Komentarze tego typu powinny wpisywac historycy pracujacy dla rzadu Polskiego.