Były premier chwali Beatę Szydło za sposób odpowiedzi amerykańskim senatorom.

Odpowiedź polskiej premier była taka, jaka być powinna. Jasna i stanowcza. Do trzech senatorów pobiegł sygnał, że zainteresowanie i dobra wola waszyngtońskich polityków nie może przekształcić się w pouczanie i narzucanie działań dotyczących wewnętrznych spraw Polski” — pisze Miller w swoim felietonie dla „Super Expressu”.

Przy okazji Miller wspomina czasy gdy sam był szefem rządu.

Śledzę wymianę tej korespondencji z zainteresowaniem, bo przed laty byłem w podobnej sytuacji. W czasie prac nad ustawą medialną, która stała się powodem wybuchu tzw. afery Rywina, prezes Cox Enterprises, amerykańskiej firmy, która zainwestowała spore pieniądze w Agorę wydającą „Gazetę Wyborczą” uznał, że w wyniku planowanych zmian zarobi mniej, niż się spodziewał. W związku z tym w liście do mnie straszył polski rząd konsekwencjami i restrykcjami międzynarodowymi. Nieuwzględnienie interesów jego firmy miało „zmrozić do szpiku kości” przyszły dostęp Polski do kapitałów zagranicznych” – ujawnia Miller.

W sprawę zaangażował się nawet były prezydent USA Jimmy Carter.

Odpowiedziałem Carterowi, że wolność mediów i swoboda ich wypowiedzi nie są w Polsce niczym zagrożone” – wspomina Miller. “Istotą proponowanych zmian jest zgodne z dyrektywamiUE niedopuszczenie do stworzenia nowego monopolu, a więc skupienia wszystkich rodzajów mediów w jednym ręku, do czego zmierzała Agora. A ponieważ nasze propozycje w sprawie regulowania tego rynku nie różnią się od zasad obowiązujących we Francji, Niemczech czy Wielkiej Brytanii, wierzę, że wspomniana przez prezydenta Cartera izolacja od międzynarodowego handlu, finansów i technologii nie będzie w relacjach amerykańsko-polskich większa niż w relacjach Stanów Zjednoczonych z tymi krajami” — pisze były szef SLD.

Na tym wymiana uprzejmości się zakończyła, a cała ta epistolografia nie miała żadnego praktycznego wpływu na stosunki między Polską i USA” — podsumowuje polityk.

“Super Express”/

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  1. sylwia
    sylwia :

    Po angielsku: ‘Honorable Senators, Dear Friends of Poland,
    I address you in response to the letter in which you expressed your concern about the affairs of Poland. The arguments you raised in this letter surprise me and I believe result from a lack of reliable information about the recent events in Poland. I wish to clarify this misunderstanding and outline for you facts about the recent actions of my government.

    The last election to the parliament in Poland resulted in the victory of the Law and Justice party. For the first time since the onset of democratic change in Poland, the citizens have decided that the victorious political entity should have an independent majority. Poles chose the program of my party and expect its implementation. The government of Law and Justice that I head introduces changes that are awaited and supported by millions of Poles who last autumn gave us a mandate to govern.

    Your diagnosis of the situation of the Polish Consitutional Tribunal is burdened by many errors and a substantial lack of knowledge of pertinent facts. I will allow myself to present these facts to you. The problem with the Constitutional Tribunal arises directly from actions of our predecessors who in contemplation of the threat of defeat in the upcoming election, perpetrated the appointment of judges above their prescribed quota in violation of the constitutional law. This illegal and irresponsible political act threw the Constitutional Tribunal off balance and made it an object of a political fight. The decisions of our predecessors introduced a severe disproportion into the Constitutional Tribunal; they were also a violation of the Constitution. This was stated by the Constitutional Tribunal in its decision of December 3, 2015.

    The actions of the present parliamentary majority aimed only to correct this situation. No decision that was made violated the principles of a democratic state based on law. Moreover, we proposed that the opposition should have a stronger influence in the selection of judges to the Constitutional Tribunal. This solution follows the rules of pluralism and respect of the rights of the opposition. It is worth noting that it is the Polish government that requested an opinion of the Venice Commission, an institution of the European Council, on the legal propriety of these changes. During their visit, the representatives of the Commission had a full opportunity to check the process of changes in the Constitutional Tribunal. Also, the representatives of the European Parliament in Strassburg received from me a complete information about the situation in Poland.

    The changes introduced by the parliamentary majority do not violate the European standards for public broadcasters. The regulations introduced by us are an attempt to return to the public media the authentic character of political impartiality which until then had been questioned by many groups in Poland.

    Honorable Senators, for twenty five years Poland has been building democratic standards of a state based on law. The foundation of actions of my government are constitutional principles and respect for law. The changes we introduce may not please our political opponents and this is natural in a democratic state. However, I am surprised that an internal political conflict in my country gives rise to attempts to interfere in it by politicians of other countries.
    In recent days we received information about a political discussion in the USA about the vacancy in the Supreme Court. I cannot imagine that politicians of other countries could join in this discussion or intervene in this matter. Lecturing Americans about their Constitution or imposing views upon them about an internal American political conflict would be incomprehensible and inappropriate for me. I am certain that such a situation would be unacceptable also for you.
    Honorable Senators, dear friends of Poland: your concern about the affairs of Poland is important and valuable. But the interest and good will of American politicians should not transform into lecturing and imposing of action regarding the internal affairs of my country. Friendship built over many years must not fall victim to hasty judgments based on untrue information. We value our demcracy and liberty just as strongly as you do yours, our American friends. We have been building our country on the basis of these values with dedication for generations. We wish that our sovereign choices and decisions be respected. Poland is an independent state based on law in the center of united Europe. It is an active participant in building a democratic order. I believe that an honest assessment of any situation can be formulated only on the basis of facts and truth. For this reason I cordially invite you to visit Poland.
    Beata Szydło’

    • fiesta
      fiesta :

      List jest stanowczo za dlugi, ton listu jest sluzalczy wobec senatorow i B.Szydlo niepotrzebnie tlumaczy sie ze wszystkiego trzem senatorom (Ben Cardin, John McCain i Richard J. Durbin) , ktorzy fabrykuja zarzuty oraz w chamski i bezczelny sposob probuja pouczac rzad B.Szydlo jak ma wygladac demokracja w Polsce i co powinna robic – vide przyklady: (
      They said Poland’s action “threaten the independence of state media and the country’s highest court and undermine Poland’s role as a democratic model for other countries in the region still going through difficult transitions”….
      “We urge your government to recommit to the core principles of the OSCE and the EU, including the respect for democracy, human rights, and rule of law,” the letter said.).