Służby wywiadowcze nieuznawanej Donieckiej Republiki Ludowej twierdzą, że w Donbasie pojawili się amerykańscy snajperzy.

Wywiad Donieckiej Republiki Ludowej mają dowody na to, że w Donbasie znajdują się snajperzy z USA. Poinformował o tym Eduard Barusin – zastępca naczelnika Dowództwa Operacyjnego DRL.

W rejonie Majorska, 1,5 kilometra od linii frontu w okolicach mostu wykryty pozycje ogniowe, a których rozmieszczonych jest sześć moździerzy kalibru 120mm. Ponadto nasz wywiad ustalił, że w strefie ATO pojawili się snajperzy z USA– powiedział Barusin mediom. Nie pokazał on jednak żadnych dowodów, które mogłyby potwierdzić te rewelacje.

Zdaniem przedstawicieli Donieckiej Republiki Ludowej narusza to ustalenia porozumień mińskich. Wywiad DRL regularnie donosi o przerzucaniu przez Ukrainę ciężkiej artylerii do strefy konfliktu, choć ta miała być wycofana zgodnie z porozumieniem.

Czytaj także:

Ukraińcy i separatyści o sytuacji w Donbasie i na Krymie [WYWIADY]


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  1. fiesta
    fiesta :

    re: ViS….. najlepiej bedzie jak pojedzisz w tamten rejon i zobaczysz co sie dzieje z tym, ze tez nie bedziesz mial gwarancji, ze wszyscy uwierza w to co rzekomo widziales i beda zadac dodatkowych dowodow nazywajac ciebie dodatkowo “oszolomem”.
    Gdybys mial wiedze n/t wojskowosci lub byl obiektywny to nie pisalbys swojego komentarza w tym tonie co napisales. Z kolei z przekazanych informacji przez wywiad DRL wynika, ze UPA-incy szykuja OFENSYWE na DRL, a wspomniani snajperzy amerykanscy stanowia co najmniej zabezpieczenie dla zgrupowania wojsk UPA-inskich i pewnikiem jest, ze znajduja sie tam rowniez tzw. “doradcy” i agenci spec sluzb z USA, Polski etc, ktorzy rozpracowywuja pozycje obronne, uzbrojenie i ruch wojsk DRL nie przejmujac sie “porozumieniami” ustalonymi w Minsku, poniewaz to zwyciezca dyktuje warunki, a chodzi przeciez o ZAGLEBIE DONIECKIE pelne surowcow naturalnych oraz fabryk i zakladow przemyslowych, ktore jest punktem strategicznym dla UPA-iny, a takze dla DRL, w ktorym interesy prowadzili UPA-inskie ZYDY, ktorzy w latach 1990-tych po rozpadzie ZSRR przejeli tamtejszy majatek narodowy za bezcen, z ktorego czerpali ogromne korzysci, a tu nagle wszystklo im sie urwalo.
    Prowadzeniem interesow na UPA-inie sa rowniez zainteresowani ZYDY z USA i Niemiec i tez naciskaja na odzyskanie Donbasu, bo mozna na tym duzo zarobic.
    Tak przeplataja sie cele polityczne USA z celami ekonomiczno-finansowymi MIEDZYNARODOWEGO ZYDOSTWA, ktore prze do wojny.
    Zwyciestwo D.Trumpa w nadchodzacych wyborach prezydenckich w USA moze zatrzymac ten potok zydowskiego sqrwysynstwa jakie ma miejsce na swiecie w ciagu ostatnich 16-tu lat.

  2. fiesta
    fiesta :

    Dodatkowa informacja dla ViS…… “Donetsk Defense: Situation Report, 10.10.2016” (Sily Obronne Doniecka: Raport o sytuacji z 10 pazdziernika 2016r) ….. The situation in the Donetsk People’s Republic remains tense.

    The Ukrainian military violated the ceasefire regime 314 times over the past 24 hours, from this number using the weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements 217 times.

    The units of the same commanders being incapable of putting things right keep shelling the territory of the Republic. Thus:

    The Deputy Commander of the 58th separate infantry brigade Kobizsky and the commander of the 128th separate mountain infantry brigade Shaptala, being on a visit of each other celebrated their day-off while their subordinates from the front-line units were shelling the locality of Yasinovataya and the area of the airport of Donetsk City having launched 8 artillery shells of 122mm caliber and 81 mortar shells of 82mm and 120mm caliber and 17 tank shells;

    The commander of the 46th separate brigade Donbass-Ukraina Vlasenko gave the dust to his friends-drinking buddies in the race for leadership concerning the number of shellings and shelled the locality of Aleksandrovka and the locality of Trudosvkiye of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk City 97 times with mortars of 82mm caliber;

    The defenders of “rich men”, the units of the 36th separate brigade of of the navy under the command of Delyarinsky launched 14 mortar shells of 82mm caliber at the residential houses during the shelling of the locality of Sakhanka. As a result of the mortar fire there got wounded Novikova Galina Pavlovna born in 1963. She got wounded being inside her own house that got damaged as well because of the shelling.

    The Ukrainian military shelled the localities of Gorlovka, Zaitsevo,Panteleimonovka, Zheleznaya Balka, Aleksandrovka, Belaya Kamenka, Novaya Maryevka, Sakhanka and the locality of Trudovskiye of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk City with grenade launchers and small arms.

    Our intelligence keeps registering the facts of presence of the AFU weapons prohibited in the “ATO” zone near the contact line. Thus, in the area of the localities of:

    Makedonovka (12km away from the contact) in the area of the railway station “Aslanova” there were registered the firing positions of 8 mortars of 122mm caliber;

    Sopino (7km away from the contact line) on the territory of the college №141 there was registered the concentration of 2 tanks, 4 self-propelled artillery platforms “Gvozdika” and there were located up to 150 people of the military personnel;

    Gnutovo (8km away from the contact line) on the territory of the cow buildings there was registered arrival of tank troop (12 tanks), 2 mechanized platoons by infantry fighting vehicles, 3 air defense guns-23-4 “Shilka” and up to a troop of the military personnel up to 70 people.

    All the data on violating the Minsk agreements by the Ukrainian side and presence of the AFU prohibited weapons were handed over to the OSCE Mission and JCCC representatives.

    According to our information, in the 3rd battalion of the 30th brigade in the area of the locality of Trudovskoye (the Volnovakha district), the military personnel of the AFU units stole all of the fuel capacity. At present time the AFU units located near Volnovakha town are in a critical supply of combustive and lubricating materials and are not capable of implementing the tasks allotted. Due to this, the Ukrainian military have to steal fuel from civilians or to buy it with their own money. Because of such a situation, in the zone of the responsibility of the 30th brigade there arrived the commission from rear services of the headquarters Mariupol to check gasoline and oil depots. According to the preliminary data, there was registered fuel embezzlement in the extent of over 50 tons.

    It is important to note that the Ukrainian provokers use social medias recently to destabilize the situation in the localities of the Republic. Besides they utilize pages and groups where they tried to win the Republican residents’ confidence by the probable messages.

    I am asking you to be vigilant and to critically deal with the poor forgeries and not to have mercy on those who supported stuffings of the punishers and who allowed to deceive you!

    I am calling not to trust the sources in the social medias – groups and user accounts whoever it was and what kind of confidence it was enjoyed by, who spread and supported yesterday’s stuffing concerning the Ukrainian sabotage-reconnaissance group’s breakthrough in the area of Trudovskiye (the locality of Petrovsky) of Donetsk City. We can say that all these resources initially were created by the enemy to deceive the Republican residents or sold out to a service arm of the punishers.
    In the second place, the current information filed of operative information’s exchange allows us to be aware of the situation in any district of the Republic and also on the territory controlled by the AFU. I am calling to trust only the official sources and only those information that are announced by the official representatives of the Donetsk People’s Republic…. – https://dninews.com/article/donetsk-defense-situation-report-101016